Emergency Services Exhibition - February 2009

St John Ambulance - Knocknaheeny/Holyhill JusticeSt John Ambulance, Cork City, was delighted to join a multi-disciplinary Emergency Voluntary Services Information and Recruitment Exhibition held in association with the Knocknaheeney/Holyhill Justice Project during February. This community awareness event was held in the Terence McSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork City.

Our sister organisations, the Irish Red Cross, Civil Defence, and the Order Of Malta Ambulance Corps were represented along with a myriad of other agencies. St John Ambulance, Cork City, is always looking to attract energetic new members.

The event was  opened by Mr Batt O'Keeffe T.D. It offered the voluntary agencies an opportunity to showcase their work within the community, and allowed members of the public to see some of the skills they would learn if they joined up.

St John Ambulance, Cork City, demonstrated resuscitation, bandaging of common household wounds, and the use of vacuum splints; a piece of equipment used to immobilise and support a fracture prior to transport. We also demonstrated injury simulation using specialised make-up.

The statutory services were also present for the event, highlighting the importance of maintaining strong links with the voluntary organisations.

The National Ambulance Service of the Health Service Executive and the Cork City Fire Brigade, co-ordinating with the Gardaí, staged a fictional road traffic collision. This was a completely realistic simulation with the fire services utilising their equipment to extricate the casualty’s from each car, and HSE personnel standing by to take over patient care.

It provided a great opportunity for the general public to see the type of situations they could encounter should they choose to become part of one of the represented organisations. As always, we at St John Ambulance, Cork City, welcome any queries about becoming a member.

If you would like information about joining, click the following link where all contact information can be found.

St John Ambulance - How to Join